iPad Program

Families and students own the iPad they use for school. We ask that students bring their iPad every day, fully charged and ready for school. 

Based on our experience, we recommend the following specifications:

  • iPad 2022 or newer (required) 
  • Apple Pencil (required)
  • Minimum 256GB of storage
  • Protective case
  • Keyboard (could be integrated with the case)
  • No need for a cellular data package

You can sign-up for Technology Orientation by clicking here

Below is a list of apps recommended to be installed on the iPad before Tech Orientation.  Some apps may have changed or are no longer in the App Store.  Questions regarding the below apps will be addressed at orientation. 

Canva Free Graphic Design Platform
Desmos Free Graphing Calculator
Duolingo Free Foreign Language App
Garage Band Free Play, Record and Share Music
Google Drive Free Email, Cloud Storage, and Productivity Programs
iCloud Free 5GB Cloud Storage
Keynote Free or online Presentation App
Laudate Free Bible App
MobilServ Free Service Hours
Notability $ Note Taking - Required
Pages Free or online Word Processor App
PowerSchool Free Grade Portal
Quizlet Free Note-Card Study App
Schoology Free Classroom Portal

Please contact Director of Technology Kim Choinka with any questions:
kchoinka@duchesne-hs.org or 636-946-6767 ext. 6912